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Group Study Rooms -- Booking & Policies: Booking a Room

Step by Step -- Booking a Study Room

Choose the room you'd like to use (more information is available by clicking in "info"), then click the time slot you'd like to begin your reservation.

Choose a time

Scroll down, adjust end time as needed (default booking is 1 hour, you may select as few as 30 minutes or as many as 3 hours) and select Submit.


Select ending time


Review your booking adjusting the reservation if needed, review the study room policies, and then select continue

Review your study room booking

Type in the information requested and then submit your booking

After submitting your reservation, you will receive a message letting you know to check your email to verify your reservation. You MUST verify your reservation within 15 minutes or the booking will become available to another user.


Thank you message


Look in your CLC student email account for an email from LibCal. Click the provided link to verify your reservation.


Choose verify email. 


Click to verify


Your reservation is now verified. 


Verified message


You will receive one last email from the system stating that your reservation has been verified. This email also provides a link in the event you need to cancel your reservation.


Email verification with cancellation link option

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